Descriptive Information for Dyad Dataset The dataset c:/indiv.sav has been transformed from an individual to a dyad dataset called c:/dyad.csv. The distinguishing variable is gender, and it has two levels, Wives (-1) and Husbands (1). There are 5 dyads and 10 individuals, 5 Wives and 5 Husbands. There are no missing data on any of the variables in the dataset. There are 6 variables, 1 between-dyad variable, 1 within-dyad variable, and 4 mixed variables. The one between-dyad variable is betw, and the one within-dyad variable is gender. The within-dyad variable of gender is a dichotomy and could be used as a distinguishing variable. The descriptive statistics for the variables as individuals are contained in Table 1 and the descriptive and inferential statistics as dyads are contained in Table 2. Table 1: Descriptive Statistics for Individuals (All Variables) Variable Mean sd Minimum Maximum Intraclass r self1 3.900 0.738 3.000 5.000 0.091 self2 4.200 0.789 3.000 5.000 -0.333 self3 4.400 0.699 3.000 5.000 0.200 self4 4.700 0.483 4.000 5.000 -0.333 betw 10.400 6.484 5.000 22.000 1.000 Table 2: Inferential and Descriptive Statistics for Dyads (Mixed Variables) Mean sd Variable Wives Husbands p Wives Husbands p r p self1 4.200 3.600 .208 0.837 0.548 .495 .218 .724 self2 4.800 3.600 .004 0.447 0.548 .685 .612 .272 self3 4.600 4.200 .374 0.548 0.837 .495 .218 .724 self4 4.600 4.800 .621 0.548 0.447 .724 -.408 .495 All calculations are based on 5 cases. Degrees of freedom for the test of mean difference are 4 and for the test of standard deviation difference and test of the correlation are 3.