David A. Kenny
May 15, 2011
APIM (Indistinguishable Dyads) Macro
macro, called APIMText, was written by David A. Kenny, Department of
Thank You!
thank Linda Acitelli for the sample data.
Data Preparation
dataset needs to be in pairwise format. To convert an individual file to
a pairwise data click
I have created a Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have questions click here.
APIMText (You need SPSS to
open this and the next 3 files.)
Macro Output (You do not
need SPSS to open this file.)
To understand
how to run a macro return to the DataToText page. The macro
may take a minute or two to run and so be patient. Also make sure to backup
the raw data file, as sometimes an error in the macro can alter the data file.
If using a MAC, search for "c:\apimtext.dat" in the macro and change
"c" to "Macintosh HD". Note variables will be added
to data file. YOU SHOULD
BACKUP YOUR DATA FILE! The text file is NOT contained in the SPSS output file. It
is contained in a file called “c:\apimtext”. Look for it there!
The Macro Call
This is the
statement for the sample data:
APIMText a =
RSpouse/p = PSpouse /y = RSatisfied/dyadid = coupleid
xn = 'Other Positivity' yn = 'Satisfied'
The defaults
are as follows:
a = Actor
p = Partner
y = Outcome
= dyadid
= X
= Y
oflile = c:\apimtext.txt
= c:\
clist =
That is, if
you just say “APIMText.”, the program will assume that are variables in the SPSS
data file with variables named Actor, Partner, and M.
APIMText was written on SPSS 16 and 18 there
is no guarantee that it work on earlier or later versions of SPSS.
Variables in
the macro:
a = the name of actor
variable in the SPSS data set
p = the name of actor
variable in the SPSS data set
y = the name of outcome
variable in the SPSS data set
= the name of outcome variable in the SPSS data set
= the name for X variable (actor and partner) to be used in the text file
= the name for the outcome variable to be used in the text file
alpha = significance level (defaults to .05)
ofile = the
name of the output file (use quotes); this is where you go to find the text
= the name of the directory where temporary files are written (use
quotes); this must be a directory you are allowed to write on; defaults to c:\;
if your computer does not have a c drive or does not allow you to write on it,
you must change this
clist = the SPSS names of the covariates separated by spaces; defaults to blank.
carefully what terms have quotes and what do not and where the slashes are
where they are not and the defaults. The
output file is currently written to a file named "c:\APIMtext.dat".
Look for updates, as there are likely to
be errors. No guarantee for accuracy. Almost certainly you will
need to edit the DataToText output in research reports. There will be
updates. There is no guarantee for accuracy. Examine not only
DataToText output file, but also the SPSS output file. The user needs to
carefully edit the ApimText output in research
reports. Please cite this ApimText
webpage if you do use it. Moreover, you need a footnote that says: “Some
of the material here was produced by the SPSS macro ApimText
(Kenny, 2011).”
3. The actor and partner variables are highly correlated and this colinearity compromises the analysis.
4. Because zero is not a possible value for actor variable ,grand-mean centering that variable should be considered.
5. Because the actor variable is a dichotomy,
the product term and discrepancy score are perfectly correlated and only one of
the two should be reported.
Macro Output
WARNINGS: 1. Because zero is not a possible value for
Other Positivity, grand-mean centering that variable should be considered.
The focus of this study is the
investigation of the effect of Other Positivity on Satisfaction. Both the effect of own Other Positivity
(actor) and the effect of partner's Other Positivity (partner) on Satisfaction
are studied. There are a total of 148 dyads and no missing data. The total
number of individuals is 296. The means
and standard deviations are presented in Table 1.
actor effect is equal to .400 and is statistically significant (p < .001),
with a medium effect size (Beta = .402). The partner effect is equal to .288
and is statistically significant (p < .001), with a small effect size (Beta
= .289). A summary of actor and partner
effects is contained in Table 2. The intraclass correlation is equal to .469.
Thus, the two members of the dyad are similar to one another. The pseudo R squared (Kenny, Kashy, &
Cook, 2006) is equal to .295. There is
evidence for "couple model" (Kenny & Cook, 1999) in that the
actor and partner effects are not significantly different. It may make sense to sum or average the two
Other Positivity scores.
The actor-partner interaction is equal to
-.295 and is statistically significant (p = .019). The partner effect for persons who are one
standard deviation above the mean on Other Positivity is .146 and for persons
who are one standard deviation below the mean on Other Positivity is .441. Alternatively, the effect of the absolute difference
of the two members on Other Positivity is equal to .019 and is not
statistically significant (p = .819).
Thus, if two members have the same score on Other Positivity, their score on
Satisfaction is .019 units lower than it is for a dyad whose scores on
Satisfaction differ by one unit. There
is evidence for an actor-partner interaction.
Table 1: Descriptive
Variable Mean Standard Deviation
Positivity 4.264 .498
Satisfaction 3.605 .496
Table 2: Effect Estimates
Effect Coefficient
Beta df p value
Actor .400
.402 273.1 <.001
Partner .288
.289 273.1 <.001
Figure 1
APIM Diagram
Other Positivity
_________________________> Satisfaction 1
/\ \ /\ /\
/ \ / \
( \ / \
( \ / \
( \ / E1
( \ / )
.058* [ X ] .082*
( / \ )
( .288* / \
.288* E2
( / \ /
( / \ /
\ / \ /
\/ / .400* \/ \/
Other Positivity 2
_________________________> Satisfaction 2
* p < .05
Kenny, D. A., & Cook, W.
(1999). Partner effects in relationship
research: Conceptual issues, analytic
difficulties, and illustrations. Personal Relationships, 6, 433-448.
Kenny, D. A., Kashy, D. A., & Cook,
W. (2006). Dyadic data