David A. Kenny
September 10, 2014
Data Restructuring Macros
This page describes two different macros
for restructuring dyadic data. They are as follows:
Pairwise.sps: Take an individual dataset and turn it into a pairwise dataset
IndToDyad: Take
an individual dataset and turn it into a
dyad dataset
There is program written in R (free!) that can not only be used to restructure dyadic data but also to provide text output describing the data. Also, it can restructure a dyad dataset into a pairwise dataset. The program is called RDDD: Click here to go to a description of that program.
See Kenny, Kashy, and Cook's Chapter 1 or view the Dyad Structures webinar for definitions of the different data structures. Also watch the Restructuring Dyadic Data webinar. (There is a small charge if you view more than one webinar; there is also a powerpoint on Restructuring Dyadic Data.)
To understand how to run an SPSS macro, go to the DataToText
Before running this macro make sure you have a backup copy of your original data! This macro turns an individual dataset into a pairwise
data set. Here are the files you need to download (you need SPSS for each):
The macro: pairwise.sps
Macro call: callpairwise.sps
You can also download these file to see an example of
this macro (you need SPSS for each):
Sample data: indiv.sav
Output data: pairwise.sav
To run a macro you need to do the following:
1 Download the macro syntax of pairwise.sps.
2. Download the call statement of call pairwise.sps.
3. Open SPSS.
4. Open (Load) your data file using the
menu: File>Open>Data
5. Open a Syntax Window using the menu:
6. Find the macro that you downloaded in
Step 1 (i.e. pairwise.sps) and open it.
7. Run the macro. To do so, use the menu:
8. Open a Syntax Window using the menu:
9. Find the call statement (e.g., callpairwise.sps) and open it.
10. Put in the names of variables and other
information for your run.
11. Run the syntax: Run>All
12. When done, find and look at the
restructured dataset.
There are five variables in the macro: The dyad
identification code (dyadid), an index for actor
(i1), an index for partner (i2), the name and place of the restructured file
(use quotes and defaults to c:\pairwise.sav), and temporary directory to write
scratch files (use quotes and defaults to c:\). For instance you might say in
an SPSS syntax file:
Pairwise dyadid
=dyadcode i1 = 'A' i2='P'.
where dyadid
is a variable called dyadcode in the SPSS data file,
there are quotes around A and P, and blanks separate the three arguments. In
the output data file, note that the A variables will be written before the P
variables. However, if the index was P (for person) and O (for other), the O
variables will be written first, as they are ordered alphabetically. For example, if there is a variable Satis in the data file, the pairwise data file will have
two variables Satis_A and Satis_P. The macro recognizes between-dyads variables
and does not create two variables for them, but it does create two variables
for within-dyads variables.
All variables in
the data file must be numeric and not string or character variables. Also make sure that there are no more than
two cases per each “dyadid.”
The defaults for the pairwise macro are as follows:
dyadid: dyadid
i1: A
i2: P
ofile: ‘c:\pairwise.sav’
Make sure that no "dyads" have more than two
cases and at least some dyads have two cases. Note also the
variable Partnum is created that gives one member a
"1" and the other a "2." Such a variable can be useful in
some applications. The programs seem to handle
missing data properly.
All results should be checked and there is no guarantee
of accuracy.
Before running this macro make sure you have a backup copy of your original data! This macro turns an individual dataset into a dyad data
set. This program has not been
extensively checked and results should be carefully reviewed. Here are some files to download (you need
SPSS for each):
The macro: indtodyad.sps
Sample data: indiv.sav
Macro call: callindtodyad.sps
Output data: dyad.sav
There are six macro variables:
identification code in the SPSS file (dyadid),
of the distinguishing variable in the SPSS file (distvar)
index for person 1 (i1),
index for person 2(i2),
name and place of the restructured file (use quotes and defaults to
temporary directory to write scratch files (use quotes and defaults to c:\).
For instance you might say in an
SPSS syntax file:
dyadid =dyadcode distvar= gender i1 = 'F' i2='M'.
where dyadid
is a variable called dyadcode in the SPSS data file,
there are quotes around F and M, and blanks separate the three arguments. In
the output data file, note that the F variables will be written before the M
variables. However, if the index was W (for wife) and H (for husband), the H
variables will be written first, as they are ordered alphabetically. The
defaults for dyadid is dyadid,
for i1 is 1, and for i2 is 2; thus, we would only need IndToDyad
dyadid=dyadcode and if the
code for dyad is dyadid, we need only “IndToDyad.” Make sure that no "dyads" have more
than two cases and at least some dyads have two cases. Note that the meaning of
i1 and i2 is very different in IndToDyad and
Note i1 should refer to the “first” value of the distinguishing
variable and i2 to the “second.” So if
the distinguishing variable was Role, coded 1 and 2, then i2 refers to the 1s
and i2 to the twos.
Note also if there are missing data there can be problems
with this macro. You will need to create
dummy cases that have the dyadic and the code for the missing value.