July 24, 2014

Chapter 1


On page 12, for Table 1.2, for the one-with-many design, for rows F, G, and H, the x' values should be under E and not A. (We thank Steve West and Amanda Gottschall.)


Watch the webinars on basic definitions, dyadic data structures, and restructuring dyadic data.   There is a small charge if you view more than one webinar.


With Danielle Popp and Tessa West, we have written a fairly extensive document that illustrates how to convert individual data into dyadic and pairwise and how to convert one into the other using SPSS.  The file is called restructuring.pdf.

Data and Files

Download an R program called RDDD that restrures dyadic data and output descriptive information about the dataset: click here. Download SPSS macros to create a pairwise or dyad data set from and individual dataset: click here.

Individual Data from Table 1.3 (in "sav" format): click here

Dyad Data from Table 1.3 (in "sav" format): click here

Pairwise Data from Table 1.3 (in "sav" format): click here

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