Longitudinal Models: Autoregressive Models
Dumenci, L., & Windle, M.
(1996). A latent trait-state model of adolescent depression using the
center for epidemiologic studies-depression scale. Multivariate
Behavioral Research, 31, 313-330. Download the data.
Depression with four indicators (CESD)
Positive Affect (lack thereof)
Depressive Affect
Somatic Symptoms
Interpersonal Issues
Four times separated by 6 months
433 adolescent females
Age 16.2 at wave 1
Topics on this page
(click to go there)
Single Indicator Models (at least 3 waves)
One Variable
Two Variables and Cross-causal Effects
STARTS Model (at least 4 waves) – at the end of this
Multiple Indicator Models
One Construct
Saturated Model (at least 2 waves)
Correlated Errors
Invariance of Loadings
Invariance of Error Variances
Invariance of Latent Variances
of Latent Means and Intercepts
Constraints on Latent Covariances
Autoregressive Model (2 waves)
Trait-State-Occasion Model (3 waves) – at the end of this webpage
STARTS (4 waves) – at the end of this webpage
Two Constructs: Cross-Causal Effects
Standard Model: Cross-lagged Path Model
Time Reversed Analysis
Cross-Lagged Panel Correlation (no cross-causal effects)
Single Indicator Variable: Autoregressive
One Variable
Each factor has a single indicator (path set to one)
Autoregressive factor
Errors uncorrelated
error variances and stabilities
identified for middle waves
if the equal error variance
assumption is made, model identified
must be at least three waves
with three waves, the model is saturated
with four or more waves
model identified by
instrumental variable estimation
measure used as an instrumental variable to estimate error variance
Parameters (PA example)
unstandardized (can be larger than
b21 = .84, b32 = .91, b43 = .87
standardized (should not be larger
than one)
b21 = .88, b32 = .96, b43 = .88
Reliability (squared multiple correlation of the measure)
1: .641
Time 2: .618
Time 3: .596
Time 4: .593
Note that there is a slight decline
over time.
Specification Error – χ²(2) = 2.175 (good fit)
Alternative models
model not autoregressive (free b31 and b42 or b41)
error variances not equal (V(E1)
= V(E2) ≠ V(E3) = V(E4): 3.82 and
Typical Results
generally low reliability and high
stability because unstable true variance is treated as “error”
unpublished example from 1977: 4
waves of uric acid
reliabilities of about .5
stability of .888
meaning of “error” in this context
error as random change
change may not be measurement error in the conventional sense of the term
Two Variables
Set up single indicator model for both variables.
Cross-variable covariances
Time 1 latent variables
Other times correlated disturbances
Contemporaneous error covariances to be nonzero and equal at all
t waves.
Minimum number of waves to be identified: 3
Test to determine if cross-causal paths are all zero
Model |
χ² |
df |
χ²diff |
df diff |
p |
Comparison Model |
I |
Base Model |
10.059 |
9 |
0.016 |
II |
No Correlated Errors |
56.662 |
10 |
0.104 |
46.603 |
1 |
<.001 |
I |
No SO to DA Paths |
19.345 |
12 |
0.038 |
9.286 |
3 |
.026 |
I |
IV |
No DA to SO Paths |
10.291 |
12 |
0.000 |
0.232 |
3 |
.972 |
I |
Model |
χ² |
df |
χ² diff |
df diff |
p |
Comparison Model |
I |
No Correlated Errors |
856.729 |
98 |
0.135 |
II |
Correlated Errors (CE) |
107.718 |
74 |
0.032 |
749.010 |
24 |
>.001 |
I |
CE and Equal Loadings (EL) |
123.657 |
83 |
0.034 |
15.938 |
9 |
.068 |
II |
IV |
CE, EL, and Equal Error Variances |
143.645 |
95 |
0.034 |
19.998 |
12 |
.067 |
Model |
χ² |
df |
χ² diff |
df diff |
p |
Comparison Model |
I |
Base Model |
123.657 |
83 |
.034 |
II |
Equal Variances |
133.419 |
86 |
.036 |
9.762 |
3 |
.021 |
I |
Equal Intercepts, Unequal Latent Means |
157.490 |
92 |
.041 |
33.833 |
9 |
<.001 |
I |
IV |
Equal Intercepts and Latent Means |
182.935 |
95 |
.046 |
25.445 |
3 |
<.001 |
Estimate |
S.E. |
C.R. |
p |
S1 |
---> |
S2 |
.621 |
.044 |
14.125 |
*** |
S2 |
---> |
S3 |
.397 |
.050 |
7.920 |
*** |
S3 |
---> |
S4 |
.309 |
.061 |
5.091 |
*** |
S1 |
---> |
S3 |
.287 |
.051 |
5.634 |
*** |
S2 |
<--- |
S4 |
.304 |
.057 |
5.321 |
*** |
S1 |
<--- |
S4 |
-.013 |
.056 |
-.225 |
.822 |
Model |
χ² |
df |
χ² diff |
df diff |
p |
Comparison Model |
I |
Saturated Model with Equal Loadings |
123.657 |
83 |
.034 |
II |
Autoregressive |
183.736 |
86 |
.051 |
60.079 |
3 |
>.001 |
I |
Cross-Lagged Panel Correlation (CLPC)
A simple idea: the relative size of
cross-lagged correlations reveals something about causal preponderance
Instead of assuming causal
relationships between variables, assume that covariation is due to unspecified
set of third variables.
Assume stationarity: a1 =
a2 and b1 = b2
Standard causal model does not
really contain a reasonable null model.
It presumes that covariance between measures is created by a third variable
that has a zero autocorrelation.
Kenny and Campbell show that CLPC
can be viewed as a multiplicative MTMM:
Stationarity: Equal correlations at
each time after adjustment for changes in reliability
Temporal Erosion: Time lagged
correlations less than synchronous correlations (the method correlations
between times)
Synchronous Correlations between
Measures (the trait correlations)
Causal Clues: Deviations between
Observed and Predicted Covariances
Few researchers today use CLPC
because they want to estimate and test a causal not a non-causal
STARTS and TSO Models
STARTS (or TSE) Model – Univariate Models
See Kenny, D. A., & Zautra, A. (2001). Trait-state models for longitudinal data. In A. Sayer & L. M. Collins (Eds.), New methods for the analysis of change (pp. 243-263). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
ST (Trait) – Stable Trait: A latent
variable that does not change
(State) – Autoregressive Trait: A latent variable that changes slowly
(Error) – State: A latent variable that is random
stable trait (autoregressive factor
of one)
trait (less than one but greater than zero)
(zero stability)
in single indicator model, error variance contained here
at least 4 waves
autoregressive trait cannot be too stable or unstable
serious empirical under-identification issues
need many waves (10 or so)
large numbers of participants
force a complicated nonlinear
V(ARTt) = V(ARTt-1)(1
– pARTtARTt-12) + V(Ut)
how to?
use a program that does so (e.g.,
Mplus or LISREL)
or iterate
in first run, fix V(ART1)
In next run V(ART1) to
estimated V(ARTt) from the prior run
can also allow for
variances to change over time
paths from ST, ART, and S
to the measure no longer set to 1
wave, marker wave (e.g., wave 1)
waves the three paths set to the same value (e.g., w2, w3, w4)
that path squared represents how
much more variance that wave has relative to the marker wave
Trouble running
Model for SO does run with unequal variance over time
Variances: ST -- 1.892; ART -- 7.202; S -- 7.336
coefficient: .892
More of a
theoretical than a practical model
complicated (e.g., non-linear constraint)
estimation problems
e.g., for this data set we could not obtain a solution
still can be useful (Donnellan et al. Self Esteem Study)
Multivariate Models
Multiple Indicator STARTS Model
Trait-State-Occasion (TSO) Model
Cole, Martin, & Steiger (2005) – Psychological Methods, 10, 3-20.
& Schaufeli (1991) – JPSP, 60, 288-299.
Essentially the STARTS model with no
state factors
Trait = Stable Trait
State = Autoregressive Trait
Suggested Changes
Invariance of factor loadings
measurement errors
Stationarity of State variance V(S1)(1
– aa2) = V(Ut)
Each model can allow for non-stationary variances
For each time create a latent
Have the latent variables (T+S for
TSO and ST, ART, S for STARTS) cause this latent variable
Fix those paths to be equal with
time; for one time set all paths to 1
Parameter measures the change in
standard deviation across time