David A. Kenny
April 12, 2024

Papers, Upcoming Presentations, and Awards

My Curriculum Vitae: pdf document

Go to my ResearchGate account.

Humor Columns for the International Association of Relationship Research (go to view IARR Relationship Research News to find columns written since 2011)

My Twitter (some call it X) Posts (Guaranteed to Offend!)


Papers Under Review or In Preparation

Kenny, D. A., & McCoach, D. B. Ruling out latent time-varying confounders in two-variable multi-wave studies. Under review. Paper can be requested.

Kenny, D. A., Parker, R., & Leckie, G. We are working on Bayesian analyses using the eSRM. No paper available yet at this time.


Papers Published Papers Since 2023

Correll, J., Ma, D. S., Kenny, D. A, & Palma, T. A.  (2024).  Examining the contribution of physical cues for same‑ and cross-race face individuation.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50, 694-714.

Judd, C. M., & Kenny, D. A. (in press). Random factors and research generalization. In H. T. Reis, C. M. Judd, T. V. West (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology, 3rd ed..  New York:  Cambridge University Press. (soon to be available)

Kenny, D. A., Ackerman, R., & Kashy, D. A. (in preparation). The design and analysis of data from dyads and groups. In H. T. Reis, C. M. Judd, T. V. West (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology, 3rd ed..  New York:  Cambridge University Press. (soon to be available)

Kenny, D. A., Goldring, M. R., & Jung, T. (2024).  The Extended Social Relations Model:  Understanding dissimilation and dissensus in the judgment of others.  European Journal of Personality, 27, 114-139. Paper can be downloaded at https://osf.io/ejpk5

Wong, M-N., Kenny, D. A., & Knight, A. (2024). SRM_R: A web-based shiny app for Social Relations Analyses.  Organizational Research Methods, 27, 114-139.


I will be presenting at the International Association of Relationship Researchers in Boston MA in a symposium that is a Multigenerational tribute to Deborah A. Kashy on July 7.

I will be likely be webtalk on Mediation Analysis, hosted by the University on Arkansas in September.

Awards and Honors

The Distinguished Scientist Award from the American Psychological Association. Go to the list of previous winners. The award given at the APA meeting August 2019 in Chicago, Illinois.

The Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology. Go to the list of previous winners. The award was given at the SESP meeting October 2012 in Austin, Texas.

The inaugural Methodological Innovation Award from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. The award recognizes contributions that are especially likely to generate the discovery of new hypotheses, new phenomena, or new ways of thinking about the discipline of social/personality psychology. The award was given at the SPSP meeting January 2012 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

With Tessa West, my former graduate student now at New York University, and I have won the 2012 Society of Personality and Social Psychology Theoretical Innovation Prize for our 2011 Psychological Review article entitled “The Truth and Bias Model of Judgment.” The award was given at the SPSP meeting January in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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