Basic Definitions in Dyadic Data
Nonindependence in Dyadic Data
Seven Deadly Sins of Dyadic Data Analysis
Restructuring Dyadic Data
Actor-Partner Interderdependence Model for the Standard Design
Indistinguishable Dyads
Using Structural Equation Modeling
Distinguishable Dyads
Using Multilevel Modeling: Two Intercept Method (in development)
Using Multilevel Modeling: Interaction Method
Using Structural Equation Modeling
Patterns of Actor and Partner Effects
Between- and Within-Dyads Outcomes
Test of Distinguishability
One-with-Many Design
Estimation: Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Multilevel Modeling (8) Structural Equation Modeling Multiple Regression (3) Measures of Fit (3) Factors Affecting Fit
Longitudinal Studies (17)
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Overtime Data
Study of Causes of Change in Two-wave Studies
Standardized Change Score Analysis
Multiwave (Three or More Waves) Models of of Change
Cross-causal Models
Two-wave Two Variable or Cross-lagged Regression Model
Cross-lagged Panel Correlation
Causal Mediation Analysis (13)
Moderation Analysis (4) The Basics and Introduction
Standard Dyadic Design (9)
Social Relations Model (7)
The Basics and Introduction
The Early History
The Four Steps Approach
The Indirect Effect
Tests of the Indirect Effect
Detailed Example
Solutions to Assumption Violation
Sensitivity Analyses
Multiple Variables
Power Considerations
PowMedR: An R Program to Compute Power for Mediation Analyses
The Causal Inference Approach